Our Terms and Conditions:
Enrolment and Payment policy
- You must be over 18 years to enrol on any of the Academy’s courses
- You must be eligible to study in the UK
- All course fees must be paid in full before the start date of the course
- There is a non-refundable registration fee of £50
- The course fees do not include course books, supplementary materials or exam fees
- The average price of course materials is £35.00
- There is a non-refundable booking fee of £30 for homestay and accommodation.
- Accommodation can be organised by the Academy for you before your arrival.
- Requests for accommodation must be made no later than 4 weeks before your arrival.
- You are liable for any damage or breakages you cause at your accommodation and must pay the host the cost for repair or replacement.
- Cancellation or early leaving is permitted provided at least 2 weeks notice is given. Cost to the student is set out in the table below:
Notice Period | Rent to be Paid |
2 weeks | 2 weeks rent |
Less than 2 weeks | 2 weeks rent |
Change of course policy
- Class changes are subject to availability
- All changes must be agreed and signed by the Director of Studies
- If you change from a more expensive course to a cheaper one no refunds are made
- If you change from a cheaper course to a more expense one you will have to pay the difference between the courses.
Cancellation and Refund Policy:
- Notice of cancellation can only be accepted in writing or email.
- The table below sets out the refund percentage available for different cancellation notice periods. The cancellation notice period is the amount of time between the Academy receiving a cancellation notice (as set out above) and the start date of the course.
Cancellation Notice Period | Refund Amount |
1 month or more | 100% |
2 weeks – 1 month | 50% |
Less than 2 weeks | 25% |
At or after course start date | No refund |
- There will be no refunds for late arrival, early departure, time off or non-attendance, or bank holidays. You will not receive any refund after the start date of the course.
- The Academy may look into individual’s cancellation circumstances.
- The Academy has the right to cancel or discontinue any course. In these circumstances every effort will be made to place students on a suitable alternative course. If no suitable alternative course can be found fees will be refunded.
- The Academy cannot accept responsibility or liability to change or cancellation caused by circumstances beyond our control such as war, extreme weather conditions, civil unrest, or ‘acts of God’.
Attendance and punctuality
The Academy’s attendance policy is explained at the induction. You are expected to attend 80% of all classes. You must inform the Academy as soon as possible if for any reason you are unable to attend your class. Students who are continuously absent without good reason will be subject to disciplinary action or expulsion. All sponsors, guardians and agents will be notified. Students who arrive late will be marked as Late Attendance (AL) and those who arrive later than 15 minutes will be marked absent (AB).
Holidays or time off during your stay
If you want to book a holiday during your study at the Academy then you must book it in advance and give at least two-weeks’ notice. Unauthorised holidays will be marked as absent and will affect your attendance record. Sponsors, agents and guardians will be informed if holidays are taken without permission.
Photographs and filming
The Academy frequently takes photographs of its students, which can be inside or outside the Academy’s building. We may use these images in our academy’s prospectus, printed publication, website, social media and on the boards. You must tell the Academy before arrival or on the first day if you do not want your photographs or film of you to be used in promotional material or on social media. The Academy cannot accept responsibility for other students sharing images on social media.
Personal information
You must inform the academy of any change of personal information before and during your stay.